Thanks for choosing to find out more about investing with Kion Developments. We have been delivering on consistent bank-beating returns since our inception and all enquiries for investment are handled directly by the founders. You will be dealing with, and have a direct line to, the directors as you consider which investment is best for you and your goals.
Short-term project investment
These are between 8-24month investments and are linked to a specific project. We will have certain projects that are suitable for investment and you can choose one of our projects to invest your money in. The return is then paid out with the original capital once the project has completed.
Portfolio investment
These are medium to long term and are termed 2 years to 5 years. We will use the money to extend Kion’s residential property portfolio, and achieve the return through rental income and capital growth.
Interest is paid monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Business investment
These are personalised and terms can be discussed.
As a company we have a range of investments and opportunities to invest in, but we also require working capital at points and would be open to any creative discussions about how our businesses could grow together.